• Government of Telangana
    Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society
    ( TGSWREIS )

Code is the language of the modern world. One who doesn’t know coding is a digital illiterate in future. TSWREIS is a step ahead in visualizing the needs of 21st century and established Coding Schools to introduce the students to coding skills, which is a crucial investment in their future, to be ideally placed among top-tier tech companies. Coding schools help to ignite an early interest in digital technology by improving their cognitive skills and prepare young students for future jobs. They contribute to the new economy with a highly desirable skill set that stands the next generation in good stead. While learning coding, students learn many skills like problem-solving, organization, Maths, designing, animation and building video games. It also helps them to express themselves creatively. To catch them young, TSWREIS has taken the initiative of establishing coding schools.

Digital Lab