• Government of Telangana
    Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society
    ( TGSWREIS )

Envisioning the sweeping changes in the workplace in 21 century, TGSWREIS has taken a calibrate and maiden initiative of launching 34 vocational colleges to prepare the children of neglected sections as competent human resources for socio-economic growth. Vocational training enables them to acquire required job skills to get employment thereby breaking the shackles of poverty.

The main focus of these vocational colleges is to impart trade skills and trade theory along with a broad set of 21st century skills like communicative, leadership, collaborating, soft, critical and creative thinking skills and management capabilities. The vocational courses have been cherry-picked in areas like Education, Health, Dairy, Sericulture, Marketing, Construction, Electronics, Electrical wiring, Commercial Garments, Hotel Management, Beauty and Wellness, Fashion Garments, Agriculture, Banking and Financial Services, They are tailor-made and quite direct in their purpose which is to make students completely job-ready. As a part of training, the students are exposed to similar working environment they cherish to have in future. This practical apprentice program and experiential learning really nurture them to be ‘job generators’ or ‘entrepreneurs’, which was once a flight-of-fancy. The vocational college students started soaring high to realize their dreams not minding their socio-economic constraints. The strength to their wings of dreams comes from the seamless support and imperturbable confidence instilled by the TGSWREIS.