• Government of Telangana
    Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society
    ( TGSWREIS )

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*List of Eligible Candidates for TGCET-2025 Examination *
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* Notification for Admission into B,Sc(Hons) Agriculture Course for A.Y. 2024-25 at TSWR Agriculture College for Women, Korutla *
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* CET - 2025 Application Last Date Extended up to 6th Feb-2025 *
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About Us

The Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGSWREIS) under the patronage of the Ministry of Welfare has been passionately and impeccably rendey its services for the past 35 years to improve the standards of life of the Scheduled Caste students providing them quality and sustainable education in English medium upto graduation. The Society with 268 institutions is sheltering around 150000 students. Telangana Government strongly believes that education is the strongest weapon with which the lives of the marginalized children can be transformed into social and economic spheres thereby cultivating a new generation of the Telangana state which can lead the country in the 21st century.

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Our Vision

The vision is to build magnificent, marvelous and extraordinary educational institutions which would provide high quality, holistic and value based education to the students of marginalized sections on par with the quality of education received by the other advantaged children of the country.

Our Mission

The mission of the TGSWREI Society is to promote a wide range of curricular and extra curricular activities beyond the confines of classroom to create a vibrant teaching and learning environment to help marginalized students realize their full potential in every sphere of life in the 21st century.

TGSWREIS 10 Commandments

  1. I am not inferior to anyone.
  2. I shall be the leader wherever I am.
  3. I shall do what I love and be different.
  4. I shall always think big and aim high.
  5. I shall be honest, hardworking and punctual.
  6. I shall never blame others for my failure.
  7. I shall neither beg nor cheat.
  8. I shall repay what I borrow.
  9. I shall never fear the unknown.
  10. I shall never give up.

Summer Samurai Camps

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Our Sports Achievements

More than 2500+ medals have been won by our students across all sports from 2012- 2019.

International Level Medals


National Level Medals

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